SIDC Admin

Executive Director:
Anna Garrity

Assistant Director:
Kasey Davis

Billing & Tech Admin:
Ian Waggoner

Admissions Process

Considering joining our SIDC community? Here are your next steps:

  • Join the wait list. The length of our wait list varies from class to class. Given the high demand for quality childcare in downtown Seattle, we encourage you to get on the wait list as early as possible. Visit us at Kinside and someone from SIDC will contact you and provide you with information about the program.
    An administrative fee of $75 is due when you join our wait list. You will receive periodic notices as to your status on the list, but we encourage families to reach out if they would like updates on their position on the waitlist.

  • Visit our Center. We offer in-person tours on Tuesdays & Thursdays at 10:00am and 3:30pm - visit Kinside to schedule a tour!

  • Enrollment. When space becomes available, we will contact families based on the waitlist. Once a family accepts, a one-month non-refundable deposit is required and an enrollment packet is sent out. Please complete the packet and return it back to us.
    Note that the enrollment deposit is applied towards your last month of tuition.

Want to join the waitlist RIGHT AWAY?

Please find our Kinside page to join the waitlist and see spaces opening up in our program that are updated throughout the year.

Our Office

1217 Sixth Avenue
Seattle, WA 98101



Monday - Friday
7:30 am to 5:30 pm